Workplace Education Manitoba (WEM) Receives $3.8M Through the Skills for Success Program
WEM’s Workplace Connections project will help 120 people become certified Skills for Success practitioners. As practitioners, they will design and deliver employer-focused skills training, tailored to the specific needs of …

Canada Announces New International Climate Finance Funding for Nature-Based Solutions
$315 million in new funding for organizations in Canada to engage in climate action activities.

Canada Launches Call for Proposals for Indigenous-led Clean Fuels Projects
Clean fuels, such as advanced biofuels and hydrogen, play an essential role in contributing to Canada’s plan to reach net zero by 2050. Recognizing the unique opportunities that clean fuels …

Consultation on Proposed Regulations for Coal Tar-Based Sealant Products
Opened on December 13, 2021, and will close to new input on February 10, 2022. The Government of Canada (GC) is seeking feedback on the Consultation Document on Proposed Regulations …

Federal Student Work Experience Program
Students! Get valuable and meaningful experience working for the top student employer in Canada, the Federal Government! Explore hundreds of career paths and thousands of jobs that the Government of …

First Nations Waste Management Initiative
This initiative provides support to First Nations to develop sustainable waste management systems through modern infrastructure, operations, training and partnerships. Funding is available for a range of waste management activities, …