Canada-Manitoba Job Grant Intake Now Open
The Manitoba government has opened the first of two intake periods for the 2022-23 Canada–Manitoba Job Grant, with a total budget of $10 million. The Canada–Manitoba Job Grant provides funding …

MEIA Receives Multi-Year Funding from Natural Resources Canada for Training and Mentorship of Energy Advisors in Manitoba
The $903,000 funding will be used over 3 years to help build the Energy Advisor Micro-Credential program, help cover registration costs, and target recruitment from communities that traditionally have been underrepresented in the profession

Workplace English Language Training
Workplace English Language Training is designed specifically for people wishing to advance their careers but are held back due to a language barrier. Heartland’s Workplace English Course is a daily …

Free BRACE/MCRT Courses Offered This Winter
All BRACE courses will be offered free of charge. Registration is now open for the first course, Climate Change 101, being offered on November 4th. The Building Regional Adaptation Capacity …

MEIA and Red River College Launch Energy Advisor Program
Supporting sustainable energy efforts in Manitoba