Province Releases Information on Fish Stock Assessments
The Manitoba government is releasing progress reports of the status of fish populations within the Lake Manitoba and Lake Winnipegosis fisheries, Agriculture and Resource Development Minister Ralph Eichler announced today. …

Call for Proposals: Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund
The Manitoba government is announcing a call for applications for fish and wildlife enhancement projects, with funding of up to $950,000 available. The Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund (FWEF) provides …

Progress Report on Shared Management of the Cedar Lake Fishery
The Manitoba government, Cedar Lake Fisheries Inc. and Chemawawin Cree Nation have released a progress report on the advancement of the shared, sustainable management of the Cedar Lake Fishery. Recently, …

Province Provides Up to $1 Million to Forest and Fishery Sectors, Northern Development
Funding will begin this spring to enhance economic development opportunities in partnership with Indigenous and northern communities.