Conservation and Climate Fund Increased to $1.5M
The Conservation and Climate Fund supports local green initiatives that align with Made-in-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan priorities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, address climate change and promote sustainable development. …

Canada-Manitoba Job Grant Intake Now Open
The Manitoba government has opened the first of two intake periods for the 2022-23 Canada–Manitoba Job Grant, with a total budget of $10 million. The Canada–Manitoba Job Grant provides funding …

Manitoba Government Invests $25 Million for the Building Sustainable Communities Program in Budget 2022
As part of Budget 2022: Recover Together, the Manitoba government is investing $25 million in the Building Sustainable Communities (BSC) program to fund local projects that will support economic growth …

Manitoba Announces Investment to Help Clean Up Orphaned and Abandoned Mines in Budget 2022
As part of Budget 2022: Recover Together, the Manitoba government is investing an additional $50.7 million to further accelerate clean up of orphaned and abandoned mines at select sites across …