IHQAP graduates celebrated in Sioux Valley Dakota Nation
The Indigenous Housing Quality Analyst Program graduation took place in Sioux Valley Dakota Nation on May 12.

Manitoba Government Announces $40M Enhancement to Sector Council Program
Annual Funding Boost Will Expand Workforce Development, Skills Training in 11 Priority Economic Sectors

New Control Zones Announced to Help Prevent Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species
The creation of new aquatic invasive species (AIS) control zones are among a suite of changes being implemented by the Manitoba government aimed at enhancing efforts to fight the spread …

Manitoba Government Investing $1.55 Million to Support Mineral Sector Development
The Manitoba government is granting $1.55 million to the Mining Association of Manitoba Inc. (MAMI) and the Communities Economic Development Fund (CEDF) to support mineral exploration and development in the …

Canada and Manitoba Accelerate the Move to Renewable Energy through $38.2-Million Investment
Canada and Manitoba announced an investment today of $38.2 million in funding from the Low Carbon Economy Fund to support the Efficient Trucking Program (ETP) and Manitoba’s Merit-based program. Building …

IHQAP launched in Sioux Valley Dakota Nation
MEIA is pleased to announce that Sioux Valley Dakota Nation (SVDN) is the first community to host the Indigenous Housing Quality Analyst Program! SVDN Housing Manager Rollie Bunn and 6 …