Workplace Education Manitoba (WEM) Receives $3.8M Through the Skills for Success Program
WEM’s Workplace Connections project will help 120 people become certified Skills for Success practitioners. As practitioners, they will design and deliver employer-focused skills training, tailored to the specific needs of …

Municipal Service Delivery Improvement Program
The Municipal Service Delivery Improvement Program provides municipalities and planning districts with financial support to complete value-for-money service delivery reviews of programs and services. These reviews can help municipalities and …

NRCan Call for Proposals: Clean Fuels Awareness Projects
Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) is looking for innovative projects that aim to address awareness and knowledge gaps among Canadians on clean fuels and clean fuels technologies across all industries, commercial …

Greener Homes Loan Now Available
The Canada Greener Homes Loan helps Canadians make their homes more energy-efficient and comfortable. The loan is offered in conjunction with the Canada Greener Homes Grant under the Canada Greener …

$500,000 in Additional Support for the Building Sustainable Communities Program Projects
Three more community projects will receive investment of nearly $500,000 from the Building Sustainable Communities (BSC) program. The Khalsa Diwan Society is receiving up to $300,000 in capital funding to …

The Conservation and Climate Fund Application Intake is Now Open
In 2021, the fund supported nine Manitoba organizations and projects ranging from converting waste into useable energy products, supporting composting and advancing zero emissions and active transportation, to climate adaptation …

Manitoba Mineral Development Fund Approves $1.6M in Funding to 12 Projects
Twelve projects will receive $1.6 million in funding through the Manitoba Mineral Development Fund (MMDF), which is managed by the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce. In the first quarter of 2022, …

Province Announces Third Intake for Quarry Rehabilitation Program
Owners of private and municipal lands with a registration certificate or private quarry permit issued since 1992 are eligible for a grant up to $200,000 for new rehabilitation projects that: …

Conservation and Climate Fund Increased to $1.5M
The Conservation and Climate Fund supports local green initiatives that align with Made-in-Manitoba Climate and Green Plan priorities to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, address climate change and promote sustainable development. …

Canada-Manitoba Job Grant Intake Now Open
The Manitoba government has opened the first of two intake periods for the 2022-23 Canada–Manitoba Job Grant, with a total budget of $10 million. The Canada–Manitoba Job Grant provides funding …

Manitoba Government Invests $25 Million for the Building Sustainable Communities Program in Budget 2022
As part of Budget 2022: Recover Together, the Manitoba government is investing $25 million in the Building Sustainable Communities (BSC) program to fund local projects that will support economic growth …

Low Carbon Economy Challenge Fund
The federal government has recently launched the Low Carbon Economy Challenge Fund-champions stream, with a March 25, 2022 application deadline for an initial Expression of Interest. Click here to view …