MEIA News and Announcements
MEIA AGM and Open House
Tuesday, April 26, 2022
AGM: 1:00pm – 3:00pm
MEIA Member: $25
Non-Member: $35
Open House (free): 3:00pm – 5:00pm
Please join us on April 26 at 1:00pm for MEIA’s 2022 AGM at Saddlery Restaurant, followed by our long-awaited open house!
Click here to register!
(Space is limited!)
– Networking – Make New Connections!- Awards- Presentations- Wine and Cheese
To participate in the nomination process you must be an MEIA member. If you would like to purchase a membership, or have not yet renewed your 2022 membership, please contact us at or (204) 783-7090 to purchase or renew so that you can participate in the voting and Election of Officers to the MEIA Board of Directors.
Following the AGM, come upstairs to enjoy some refreshments and in-person networking at our Open House! MEIA moved to 310-112 Market Avenue in December 2019, just before the pandemic arrived in Manitoba. We are excited to open the doors and invite everyone in for a wine and cheese networking in our “new” space!
MEIA Emerging Issues Cleantech Conference
MEIA’s Emerging Issues Clean Tech: Path to Net Zero Conference is in November 2022. Watch this space for sponsorship opportunities, presenter/speaker announcements and registration details to come!
Registered Energy Advisor Training
Looking for a new in-demand career or a second income in the Environmental Sector? 3-month flexible training courses starting soon!

Would You Like Your Company Featured on MCP?
Manitoba Career Prospects (MCP) helps educators, parents and students discover different career opportunities in Manitoba. Their website features information about different industries in Manitoba and other resources to help in choosing a career path.
The Employer Profiles on the MCP website reflect general information about the company and the types of job opportunities available. Click here to view the Miller Environmental Employer Profile
Click here to view the Recycle Everywhere Employer Profile
If you are interested in having your company featured, please fill out this form and send it to or call MEIA at (204) 783-7090 for more information
Support the Deb Tardiff Scholarship Fund!
MEIA created the Deb Tardiff Memorial Scholarship in 2020 (awarded 2021) to honour the legacy of Deb Tardiff, the founder of MEIA’s Student Chapter, and to support talented new entrants to the environmental sector. Thank you to Gold Sponsor Miller Environmental for your generous contribution in support of environmental students in Manitoba!
There are only two Gold Level spots available so contact MEIA right away to donate! Click here to find out more about the benefits of donating to the Deb Tardiff Scholarship Fund!
MEIA Student Chapter AlumniFeaturing Dana Shewchuk, Project Technologist at Pinchin Ltd.
Many of my classmates and I joined the student chapter in 2010, when we invited to a brainstorming session with Rosemary and Deb, to help them lay the groundwork on what the student chapter would become. It has highlighted to me the many challenges students have during classes and entering the workforce. Networking and mentorship are powerful tools that I wouldn’t have experienced and developed without the Student Chapter.
I was able to attend the Emerging Issues Conference in 2010, where I was paired with an industry professional to shadow and network with for the day. Years later after graduation, I received a random phone call from the same gentleman I shadowed, and was offered a job!
Now I work at Pinchin Ltd as a Project Technologist, where I assessed various buildings throughout their life-cycles all of over Canada.
Check the MEIA website for more Student Chapter alumni bios!
The Rock Circle Radio Show
Tuesdays at 6:00 pm on 105.5 NCI FM
MEIA is proud to support The Rock Circle Radio Show – an innovative two-way reconciliation dialogue with the goal of building lasting understanding and partnerships between the minerals sector, Indigenous communities, and the public in general. Tuesdays at 6:00 pm on 105.5 NCI FM
If you missed it when it first aired, you can still catch episodes of the Rock Circle Radio Show by visiting the MEIA website – click here!
Upcoming MEIA Training & Events
MEIA Student Chapter Speed Mentoring Night
Thursday, April 21, 2022
7:00pm – 9:00pm
Student Chapter Members: Free
Non-members: $5
Speed mentoring is a riff on speed dating that allows students to meet multiple mentors in a short time. Students come prepared to ask mentors in the environmental industry specific questions about careers within the industry. As they move through breakout rooms they are able to meet with a variety of mentors throughout the evening.
Leadership Training: The Network
In Partnership with Padraig Coaching & Consulting
May 4, 2022 – April 5, 2023
In-Person. Venue TBD
MEIA Member: $2,600
Non-Member: $2,700
The Network is a leadership peer group, coach-led, year-long learning program aimed at relatively new managers and future managers and includes these 4 leadership courses:
Taking all 4 courses will give participants 4 micro-credential badges and a digital certificate in Foundational Leadership.
This program runs for one year with monthly sessions alternating between a group coaching session (90 minutes) one month and a full day training program the next. We don’t meet in July, August and December so the year-long program consists of 5 group coaching sessions, and 4 full day workshops. Participants also get a 1:1 coaching session and access to Padraig’s online learning library.
The sessions will take place in-person, with the option to transition to virtual should public health requirements change. Venue TBD
2022 The Network: Leadership Training Dates
May 4, 2022, 8:30 am – 10:00 am: Group coaching session
June 1, 2022, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm: Flexible Leadership Course
September 7, 2022, 8:30 am – 10:00 am: Group coaching session
October 5, 2022, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm: Teamwork Fundamentals Course
November 2, 2022, 8:30 am – 10:00 am: Group coaching session
January 4, 2023, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm: Productive Conflict Course
February 1, 2023, 8:30 am – 10:00 am: Group coaching session
March 1, 2023, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm: Agile Leadership Course
April 5, 2023, 8:30 am – 10:00 am: Group coaching session to finish the term
The four courses that are part of The Network can be offered as standalone products.
Click here for more information and to register
Soil Sampling
In partnership with the University of Manitoba
May 25, 2022
8:00am – 4:30pm
University of Manitoba
Non-Members: $250 / MEIA Members: $150
Students: $160 / MEIA Student Chapter Members: $80
This course will provide hands on field instruction in soil sampling and drill rig safety. Participants should expect to gain practical experience in aspects of environmental soil, water, and air sampling. There will also be an overview of provincial and federal regulations as they pertain to environmental site assessments; and a discussion on laboratory analysis of parameters commonly considered in Manitoba.
Map with St John’s College and Drilling Location
Students and MEIA Student Chapter Members – please register by contacting MEIA at (204) 306-3121.
Students taking this course for credit hours must also register through the University of Manitoba under the coordination of Mark Hanson, Dept. of Environment and Geography. Take Soil Sampling and the Potable Water and Groundwater Sampling course for 1.5 credit hours (ENVR 2010) – students must register through the University of Manitoba as well as through MEIA to obtain credit hours. Regular tuition and fees will apply in addition to the MEIA fees.
Registrants for this event are eligible to claim 3 PD credits towards maintaining their EP designation with ECO Canada
Potable Water and Groundwater Sampling
In partnership with the University of Manitoba
May 26, 2022
8:00am – 4:00pm
Cross Commons Room, St. John’s College, University of Manitoba
Non-Members: $250 / MEIA Members: $150
Students: $160 / MEIA Student Chapter Members: $80
This course is designed provide students with an understanding of typical groundwater impacts focusing on the differences between light and dense non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL and DNAPL). The course will include the theory behind groundwater well installation, groundwater development, and purging and sampling including groundwater well volume and recharge related calculations. Students will assist with development, purging and sampling of an on-Site groundwater well and will collect potable water samples from on-Site. Supplies: Students require a calculator and must be dressed appropriately for the weather.
Map with St John’s College and Water Sampling Location
Students and MEIA Student Chapter Members – please register by contacting MEIA at (204) 306-3121.
Students taking this course for credit hours must also register through the University of Manitoba under the coordination of Mark Hanson, Dept. of Environment and Geography. Take Soil Sampling and the Potable Water and Groundwater Sampling course for 1.5 credit hours (ENVR 2010) – students must register through the University of Manitoba as well as through MEIA to obtain credit hours. Regular tuition and fees will apply in addition to the MEIA fees.
Registrants for this event are eligible to claim 3 PD credits towards maintaining their EP designation with ECO Canada
Introduction to Environmental Law in Manitoba
Thursday, June 2, 2022
MEIA Office 310-112 Market Ave.
MEIA Member: $250
Non-Member: $350
Click here to register
Purpose of this Course – The course will provide a broad overview of Manitoba environmental laws. The course will include a discussion of the history of environmental laws including the basic purpose and nature of environmental law. Discussion will focus on the regulatory process to obtain an approval and how to comply with legislation.
Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash
Who should take this Course – The course is aimed at recent college and university graduates (under 5 years of industry experience) who work in the environmental industry sectors. The course may also be of interest to industry professionals with a workplace safety and health orientation and who are involved in broader environmental issues as part of their work.
What you will learn – The course will provide an overview of the Canadian legal framework including the history of environmental law and how laws are made. It will include a more detailed examination of the regulatory framework for environmental law in Manitoba with a focus on Environmental Assessment, The Environment Act, The Dangerous Goods Handling and Transportation Act, The Contaminated Sites Remediation Act and The Waste Reduction and Prevention Act.
Registrants for this event are eligible to claim 3 PD credits towards maintaining their EP designation with ECO Canada
Member News and Announcements
ECO Canada Project Management Course Bundle
Did you know project management is one of the most desired skills by employers in the environmental sector? Project management is not just ‘managing a project’. It is a complementary discipline with many nuances. Having structure around project management and knowing how to use the techniques to finish your projects in time comes with innumerable benefits.
Efficiency Manitoba New Building Program
Design and construct a new, energy efficient commercial or institutional building and get up to $2.00/sq.ft. plus another $10,000 toward energy modelling. An incentive of up to $10,000 is available to eligible building owners who submit a completed design energy model report to Efficiency Manitoba during the project’s design phase and then successfully complete the program’s Performance Path.
Find out more at the Efficiency Manitoba website
The Confessions Tour: Transportation for a Strong Town
Presented by Green Action Centre
April 13, 2022
11:00am – 4:00pm
Inn at the Forks, 75 Forks Market Road
The lessons Charles shares will apply to those in Winnipeg as well as municipalities across the province. Whether you are a planner, developer, transportation engineer, municipal leader or community advocate, you will want to attend this important event.
Following Charles’ keynote, attendees will be divided into groups to participate in a series of breakout sessions to bring the high-level concepts to the local reality around us. Be part of the transportation transformation in your town!
Click here for more info and to register
MBiz Breakfast feat. Provincial Budget Review with The Honourable Cameron Friesen, Minister of Finance
Wednesday Apr 13, 2022
7:15 AM – 9:30 AM CDT
Fairmont Winnipeg
2 Lombard Place
Member Rate: $50
Future-Member Rate: $75
Join the Manitoba Chambers of Commerce for their first in-person networking event in two years as we come together for an exclusive next-day review of Budget 2022 from Manitoba’s recently re-appointed provincial Minister of Finance, Honourable Cameron Friesen.
Click here for more information and to register
Are You Ready for Health & Safety and Environmental Compliance Inspections by the Government?
Presented by Pinchin
April 13, 2022
11:00am – 1:00pm
Join us for our updated 2-hr seminar with our host David Gardner, Pinchin’s National Practice Leader for our Occupational Health & Safety group, as he’s joined by a panel of Pinchin experts to help you and your organization get ready to respond to regulatory inspections and incident investigations. We will review and help you understand your compliance obligations and how to develop early measures to mitigate compliance risks and potential government orders, requirements and possible costly litigation.
Click here for more information and to register
Building and Leading an Effective Hybrid Workforce
World Trade Centre Winnipeg
April 13, 2022
Recent research indicates that 52% of Canadians previously worked in an office but have worked remotely for much or all of the pandemic. With a tight talent market, organizations need to choose their optimal future of work for productivity, retention, and culture. This session will explore best practices in building a hybrid work model, along with what needs to pivot within your people practices to ensure your organization and employees thrive.
Attendee will learn:
Various models of hybrid and remote work with the benefits and challenges of each Key considerations in choosing the best model for your organization Key Success Factors: Trust, Connection, Leadership, and Performance Management.
Click here to learn more and register
Other News and Events
Supply Chain Manitoba 2022 Manitoba Circularity Survey
Survey closes Wednesday, April 20, 2022
Click here to complete the survey.
Please take a moment to fill out this 10 minute survey from Supply Chain Manitoba. The survey will help in understanding the current state of circularity practices and principles among Manitoba businesses, which will help in supporting efforts to increase sustainability in Manitoba.
The survey closes Wednesday, April 20th. Data collected will be confidential and the general results will be available to participants.
Report: Hitting Canada’s Climate Targets with Biogas & RNG
Biogas & Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) is a proven climate solution, with 279 projects across Canada already preventing more than 8 Mt of greenhouse gas emissions from reaching the atmosphere every year. But how much greater a role can biogas & RNG play in hitting Canada’s 2030 and 2050 climate targets?
The Canada Biomass Association’s new report, “Hitting Canada’s Climate Targets with Biogas & RNG”, finds that biogas & RNG can deliver big GHG reductions: 26.7 Mt by 2030, 40.2 Mt by 2050, and delivering 55% of Canada’s methane pledge.Click here to read the report
2030 Emissions Reduction Plan: Canada’s Next Steps to Clean Air and a Strong Economy
The federal government released the 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan: Canada’s Next Steps to Clean Air and a Strong Economy on March 29. The plan reflects submissions from over 30,000 Canadians, provinces and territories, Indigenous partners, industry, civil society, and the independent Net-Zero Advisory Body. The plan represents a whole-of-society approach with practical ways to achieve emission reductions across all parts of the economy.
The 2030 Emissions Reductions Plan includes $9.1 billion in new investments to cut pollution and grow the economy.Click here for more information.
Exploration and Discovery in Northwestern Ontario: A Fireside Chat with Explorationist Liane Boyer
Presented by Women in Mining
April 20, 2022
12:00 pm CST
Follow the link below to register for a fireside chat with Liane Boyer, President and Chief Geoscientist of Broken Rock Resources Ltd on Wednesday, April 20that 12 noon CST. Liane will be talking to us about Exploration and Discovery in Northwestern Ontario and how to weather the volatility of early stage exploration.

Bioscience Association Manitoba Funding Day
April 21, 2022
7:30am to 5:00pm
Victoria Inn & Convention Centre, 1808 Wellington Ave
Registration: $125
MEIA Member Registration: $100
Contact MEIA to register under the MEIA member price or (204) 783-7090
Funding day facilitates meetings between companies from across the province, and program managers, investors and service providers. The goal of the event is to create connections that help companies develop strategic partnerships, gain access to funding and secure the resources they need to grow their companies and further strengthen Manitoba’s economy.
In a series of scheduled seven-minute one-on-one meetings, companies will quickly learn about programs and the people that manage them while sharing information about their company. This allows both parties to gather valuable information about each other in a timely and efficient manner.
Utilizing a computerized match-making process supported by an online survey, companies will meet one-on-one with various funders, investors and service providers.
Canadian Ecotoxicity Workshop
October 2 – 5, 2022
Fort Garry Hotel
Upcoming Deadlines;
- Call for Short Courses – April 14th, 2022
- Abstract Submission Opens – April 2022
- Registration – July 2022
Call for Short Courses
CEW 2022 is now inviting proposals for professional development short courses related to terrestrial and aquatic ecotoxicology. If you are interested in leading a professional development short course on Sunday, October 2nd, 2022 that fits within the scope of CEW, please submit a brief (up to 500 words) proposal for a course that includes: the course title, the proposed course content, and the expertise of the instructor (and co-instructors if applicable). In addition, please identify: whether it would be a full- or half-day course, the anticipated maximum and minimum enrolment numbers, and any special space and/or equipment needs. For questions or to submit a proposal, please contact Mark Hanson at The deadline to submit proposals is April 14th, 2022. Final decisions on short courses will be made by May 31st, 2022.
Questions and/or session proposals should be sent to Mark Hanson, the Scientific Program Sub-Committee Chair, at
The CEW website ( is also a useful resource if you require more information about the organization.
CANECT Environmental Compliance and Due Diligence Training
April 26-28, 2022
Vaughan, Ontario
Registration Fees Vary
Now in its 28th year, the CANECT Environmental Compliance and Due Diligence Training event offers seven practical and interactive courses covering a wide range of environmental compliance and due diligence topics. Attend CANECT to keep up to date with new environmental regulations and expand your awareness and best practices.Click here for course and registration details
Bettering Environmental Stewardship & Technology Conference (BEST)
May 25-27, 2022
Fairmont Chateau Whistler
BCEIA Member Rate $750
Non-Member Rate $900
Government/Post Secondary Rate $750
Early Bird Registration Now Open for In-Person BEST 2022!
Join us for the eighth annual Bettering Environmental Stewardship & Technology (BEST) Conference!
The British Columbia Environment Industry Association’s BEST Conference attracts environmental professionals every May for two days of technical sessions, networking opportunities, and a sponsor exhibition.
Register now! You don’t want to miss out on the “BEST” opportunity to network and learn about the current environment industry in BC.