The Natural Gas Innovation Fund Launches $5.5M Innovation Challenge


The Innovation Challenge invites startups and SMEs with innovative and novel solutions to key challenges facing the industry that can create value and mitigate environmental impacts in the production, transmission, distribution, and end-use of natural gas in Canada. The Natural Gas Innovation Fund (NGIF) is offering an industry grant up to $500,000 (CAD) per project, representing as much as 33% of a project’s eligible expenses.

NGIF is accepting industry grant funding applications for innovations that have the potential to generate significant environmental and economic performance benefits in the following strategic focus areas:

  1. Renewable Natural Gas (RNG)
  2. Hydrogen
  3. Carbon Capture Storage and Utilization
  4. Heat Pumps and Micro-CHP
  5. Transportation
  6. Waste Heat Utilization
  7. Water Management

Interested applicants should download the Applicant’s Guide, which provides information on investment priorities, eligible expenses, and conditions on funding. The deadline for submitting the Expression of Interest (EOI) is July 8, 2021 at 3:00 pm EST. More information on NGIF’s Innovation Challenge can be found at

There will be an information webinar on Thursday, June 10 at 1:00pm CST – Click here to register for the webinar