Province Expands “Back to Work” Wage Subsidy Program


The enhanced Back to Work program will reimburse up to $5,000 for up to 10 new workers to a maximum of $50,000 per business, not for profit or charity. Businesses that have already benefited from provincial summer wage subsidies are eligible for this new wage subsidy benefit to hire or bring back an additional 10 employees.

The program will now reimburse half of all wages for those newly hired to Oct. 31. Employers that have received financial support from other various provincial and federal programs are all eligible.

Businesses can apply for the wage subsidy starting July 16 at noon. For full details and to apply, visit the Province of Manitoba website.

As an additional support for Manitoba businesses, the government also announced today that it will be extending the Manitoba Gap Protection Program deadline for applications to Aug. 31 from July 31. Businesses that are ineligible for federal support can also apply for an immediate $6,000 under this program.

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