Province Announces $600,000 for Projects to Protect Environment, Deliver Green Economic Opportunities


The Manitoba government will provide $600,000 in new grants through the Conservation and Climate Fund to eight organizations for green initiatives throughout the province.

The Manitoba government launched the Conservation and Climate Fund last year. Investments in green initiatives through the fund have nearly doubled this year to a total of $600,000 from the $355,000 that was granted to various groups in 2020.

Grants have been awarded this year to the following groups through the new results-oriented intake process:
• Bike Winnipeg – approximately $37,000 for the Bikeshare Social Enterprise Project;
• Centre for Indigenous Environmental Resources –  $100,000 for a project on nutrient reduction in the Lake Winnipeg Basin through nature-based solutions and a collaborative approach involving Indigenous and municipal leaders;
• Crescent Fort Rouge United Church (Winnipeg) – $1,200 for a community organic composting project;
• Ducks Unlimited Canada – $65,000 to support a project involving climate adaptation contributions of wetlands in livestock production grasslands;
• Frontiers North Adventures – approximately $149,000 to assist with the conversion of a Tundra Buggy in Churchill to electric power from diesel;
• Manitoba Building Trades Institute – approximately $78,000 for an aquaponics greenhouse training facility to teach sustainable food production;
• Winnipeg Repair Education and Cycling Hub (W.R.E.N.C.H.) – approximately $29,000 for Project CleanCycle, which will reclaim bicycle parts from the waste stream while providing education to youth and affordable active transportation options; and
• Winnipeg Trails Association Inc. – approximately $138,000 for Project Bicycle Power for Every Ability, which will match bicycles to the specific needs of newcomer/refugee communities, Indigenous communities, differently abled people and those with a need to transport young children.

For information on the Conservation and Climate Fund, visit Manitoba GO (Manitoba Grants Online).

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