The Municipal Service Delivery Improvement Program provides municipalities and planning districts with financial support to complete value-for-money service delivery reviews of programs and services. These reviews can help municipalities and planning districts improve service delivery without raising taxes or reducing front line services. Municipalities and planning districts will work directly with a third-party consultant from a list of prequalified firms to manage a service delivery review. They will analyze the effectiveness, efficiency and economy of dollars spent on services or programs that have been identified by the municipalities or planning district. At the end of this process, the municipality or planning district will own a report of their analysis and actionable recommendations, which must be posted publicly and submitted to the Minister of Municipal Relations. The consultant will bill costs for their work directly to the Manitoba Government.
ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA To be eligible, the review must:
- Evaluate services or programs such as transportation, protection, water and sewer, recreation and culture, planning, general government administration or other categories found in the municipalities and planning districts financial plan.
- Be supported by a municipal Council resolution provided with the application.
- Result in a report that includes specific and actionable recommendations for cost savings and improved efficiencies.
Reviews that include the following will not be accepted:
- Opportunities for revenue generation or reductions in front line services.
- Objectives that extend beyond municipal or planning district accountability/jurisdiction.
- Applications for new programs or services not currently offered by the municipality
HOW TO APPLY The Manitoba government has launched the second intake of the Municipal Service Delivery Improvement Program, which provides funding for municipalities and planning districts to find ways to improve services and find efficiencies. The application deadline is September 5, 2022. Please access the application package and guidelines here. The Application Package can also be found on Manitoba Municipalities Online (MMO). Applications and any questions can be directed to: by September 5, 2022.
HOW IT WORKS A committee of staff from Manitoba Municipal Relations and Manitoba Finance will evaluate applications based on:
- Return-on-investment / service delivery improvements
- Project alignment with program guidelines
- Promotion of joint or regional municipal projects
- Demonstrated financial need
- Balanced regional representation
The committee holds the discretion to include other evaluation factors not listed.
PRE-QUALIFIED CONSULTING FIRMS The following consultants have been pre-qualified by the Manitoba Government through a competitive request for proposals process:
- Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP
- BDO Canada LLP
- Exchange Chartered Professional Accountants LLP
- Deloitte LLP
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