MEIA News and Announcements
Registration is Now Open and Sponsorship Opportunities Available for MEIA’s Emerging Issues 2021 Conference!
The Net-Zero Future: Investing in Sustainability
Wednesday, November 24, 2021
8:00am – 4:30pm
Canad Inns Destination Centre Polo Park 1405 St Matthews Ave
Click here to register
Featuring Keynote Speaker Linda Coady, Executive Director of the Pembina Institute, this year’s conference will focus on pathways to a net-zero future, focusing on the following topics:
- Environmental Social Governance
- Economic and Environmental Recovery
- Indigenous Pathways to Sustainability
- The Next Generation: Students in Environmental Studies
- Local Examples of Net-Zero and Carbon Greenhouse Gas Awareness
Click here to view sponsorship opportunities
MEIA Member $250.00
Non-Member $300.00
Student Chapter Member $30.00
Student $50.00
Click here to register
The venue requires that all attendees bring proof of vaccination in order to attend. *Conference delivery may change to a virtual format pending health restrictions.
Certified Energy Advisor Information Sessions
Thank you to everyone who came to the Energy Advisor Micro-Credential Program Information Sessions on August 31 and September 2. MEIA Executive Director Jack Winram presented along with John Conklin, RRC Student Recruitment Officer; Rob Spewak, RRC Program Manager; and Gio Robson, Energy Advisor/Program Instructor to over 80 participants over the two sessions.
The Energy Advisor Micro-Credential Program prepares students to become a Registered Energy Advisor with Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) and to support efforts to increase energy efficiency within Manitoba’s built environment.
If you were not able to attend the sessions, the Power Point presentation is available here.
There’s still time to register! Follow the links below for course details:
Course 1 – Foundation Level: September 27 – October 31, 2021
Course 2 – House Level: November 8 – December 12, 2021
Course 3 – Housing Audit: January 10 – February 13, 2022
MEIA Internship Funded by ECO Canada Science Horizons Youth Internship Program
MEIA successfully applied for ECO Canada’s Science Horizons Youth Internship (SHI) program and we are delighted to announce that our summer student Adam Shaw will be interning with us for the next year.
ECO Canada, in partnership with Environment and Climate Change Canada, provides wage funding for employers looking to onboard young professionals for full-time work placements and job training. This program offers eligible employers salary coverage to create STEM-related job placement opportunities while helping to nurture the next generation of environmental leaders.
Click here for more information about the Science Horizons Youth Internship (SHI) program from ECO Canada.
MEIA Student Chapter Alumni
Featuring Anneleise Forsythe, SNC-Lavalin
I completed a Bachelor of Environmental Science at the University of Manitoba, minoring in soil science. During my undergraduate degree I became a member of MEIA’s student chapter, which gave me the opportunity to attend different conferences and mingle with established professionals in the industry. It was a great way to see the side of environmental consulting that you can’t really fully understand until you are working in that field. Plus, it was a great way to socialize with others while gaining insight as to where employment opportunities may exist once entering the workforce as a new graduate. After all, hands on involvement is the best way to explore employment opportunities as opposed to simply having the relevant education! MEIA’s Student Chapter was a great way for more introverted students like myself to get engaged – which set me up for great success once I was ready to start working.
Check the MEIA website to read the full bio and stay tuned for more Student Chapter alumni bios!
The Rock Circle Radio Show
Tuesdays at 6:00 pm on 105.5 NCI FM
MEIA is proud to support The Rock Circle Radio Show – an innovative two-way reconciliation dialogue with the goal of building lasting understanding and partnerships between the minerals sector, Indigenous communities, and the public in general.
The fourth episode aired on Tuesday, August 31st, 2021, at 6pm (CT) on 105.5 NCI FM – The Spirit of Manitoba. The theme of this episode is the Environment, with guest speakers Elder Margaret Swan, Board Chair Southern First Nations Network of Care, and Tara Shea who is the Senior Director of Regulatory and Indigenous Affairs.
Each show will have the Guest Dialogue portion, a sponsor commercial, a Did You Know story and then the Job Board. Please be sure to tune in!
Upcoming MEIA Training & Events
Soil Sampling and Potable Water and Groundwater Sampling Courses
In Partnership with the University of Manitoba
Soil Online: September 14 at 8:00am – 12:00pm
Water Online: September 15 at 8:00am – 12:30pm
Field Portion: September 16 at 8:00am-4:00pm
The Soil Sampling course will provide hands on field instruction in soil sampling and drill rig safety. Participants should expect to gain practical experience in aspects of environmental soil, water, and air sampling. There will also be an overview of provincial and federal regulations as they pertain to environmental site assessments; and a discussion on laboratory analysis of parameters commonly considered in Manitoba.
The Potable Water & Groundwater Sampling Course is designed provide students with an understanding of typical groundwater impacts focusing on the differences between light and dense non-aqueous phase liquids (LNAPL and DNAPL). The course will include the theory behind groundwater well installation, groundwater development, and purging and sampling including groundwater well volume and recharge related calculations. Students will assist with development, purging and sampling of an on-Site groundwater well and will collect potable water samples from on-Site. Supplies: Students require a calculator and must be dressed appropriately for the weather.
Registration per course
MEIA Member $150.00
MEIA Student Chapter Member $80.00
Non-member $250.00
Students $160.00
Soil Sampling Registration – Click here
Water Sampling Registration – Click here
Take both courses for 1.5 credit hours
(ENVR 2010) for University of Manitoba students under the coordination of Mark Hanson, Department of Environment and Geography. Please note that if you are taking this course for credit hours you must also register through the University of Manitoba.
Industry Aboriginal Cultural Awareness & Engagement Workshop
In Collaboration with Okimaw Community & HR Solutions
September 14 & 15
8:30 am – 4:00 pm CST
MEIA Members: $100
Non-Members: $400
Understanding the history and culture of Canada’s Aboriginal Peoples’ is critical to moving forward as a business and as a nation. This understanding is especially pertinent in natural resource extraction, mining, and forestry, but Aboriginal relations have far reaching financial and social impacts in any industry. Whether your focus is in recruitment, business development, or training, this workshop will help you and your team build informed, effective, and respectful relationships with Metis, First Nations Peoples and communities.
Click here to register
Monday, Sept 27 – Thursday, Sept 30
8:00am – 4:00pm
1000 Waverly, Training Room 104
In support of industry during a difficult year, MEIA is pleased to be able to offer this course at a reduced rate to help everyone get back into a safe work environment.
The 4-day HAZWOPER/NFPA 472 course offered by HAZ-MATTERS falls within the recently approved Essential Services mandate across Canada and substantially improves employee hazard understanding at the worksite while empowering a technician level of response competency for employees exposed to any form of chemical hazards. Delivered by Bart Taylor, a senior HazMat Specialist, this course unifies internationally used “Best Practice” techniques employed by Industry, Fire Services, First Responders and CBRNe technicians and provides a clear understanding of the entire process.
Requirement: Students must bring a laptop/tablet with them each day of the course to access course materials. Participants will receive a USB Drive that has the student manual and all pertinent supplements included.
*If public health restrictions limit the ability for this class to move forward in-person, it will be moved to online delivery.
Introduction to Environmental Law in Manitoba
October 20, 2021
8:00 am – 4:00 pm
1000 Waverly, Training room 101
Non-members: $350
MEIA Members: $250
Students: $75 – students contact MEIA to register at [email protected] or (204) 783-7090
Click here to register
The course will provide a broad overview of Manitoba environmental laws. The course will include a discussion of the history of environmental laws including the basic purpose and nature of environmental law. Discussion will focus on the regulatory process to obtain an approval and how to comply with legislation.
ISO 14001:Environmental Management System – Awareness Course for Senior Executives
In Partnership with ECO Canada
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
1000 Waverly, Training Room 104
Click here to register
Leadership and commitment of management team is critical to the success of the Environmental Management System in an organization. The management team is not only required to participate in the implementation of EMS and allocate resources for effective implementation also need to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable practices. ISO 14001:2015 standard requires explicit commitment and participation from the organization’s leadership in not only setting the context but also plays a key role in continual improvement in the environmental performance of the organization.
The ISO 14001 awareness session course is designed to provide high level overview of the standard, share leading practices and provide insights on how the leadership team can participate in design, implementation and maintenance of an effective Environmental Management System of an organization, and lead by example.
Member News and Announcements
ECO Canada Employment Programs
ECO Canada’s Employment programs help employers attract new talent, while saving initial wage and training costs. Best of all, young practitioners and students will be able to kickstart their career journey and gain meaningful work experience.
There are several programs available, and each has unique eligibility requirements for employers and job candidates.
Click here to view the funding programs and eligibility criteria.
Efficiency Manitoba: Ground Source Heat Pump Incentive
Ground source heat pumps are one of the most efficient electric heating and cooling systems available for your business. If you’re looking to get one installed, we can help you with the upfront cost!
Our new Heat Pump Program offers incentives of up to $2.50 per square foot of heated space. Plus, you can reduce your business’s heating costs by up to 60% when compared to an electric heating system. That translates to significant energy bill savings for your business. If you’re converting from a natural gas heating system, you can also feel good about making a positive environmental impact by reducing your greenhouse gas emissions.
Click here for more information
COVID-19 Diligent Re-Occupancy
Presented by Pinchin
Sept 20 at 1:00pm-2:00pm CST/ Sept 21 at 11:00am-12:00pm CST
For many of us, September 7th was the first day back to work and school. Unfortunately, COVID-19, and more specifically the Delta variant, have changed our options and our risks. How do we diligently manage re-occupancy and what would influence changing policies? Join us as our internal experts guide us through preparing our buildings for occupants and maintaining a healthy indoor environment.
- How does the Delta variant change my re-occupancy plans?
- Is my HVAC system ready?
- What is the role of maintenance?
- Legionella, what is it and should I test for it?
Click here for more information and to register.
Business Planning Program
Presented by World Trade Centre Winnipeg
Sept 29 – Nov 3, 2021
9:00am – 12:00pm
Registration $100
The World Trade Centre Winnipeg is proud to launch its newly developed Business Plan Program available for Manitoba entrepreneurs. Throughout the program you will be assigned your personal Business Advisors who will help guide you on the right path and ensure you receive the support needed. In addition to personalized support and access to industry experts, you will receive a detailed workbook in which every section has been carefully structured and tailored for this program.
The Business Planning Program consists of 6 sessions covering the various elements which are key to the development of your plan such as writing vision and mission statements, defining your products or services, establishing market strategies, determining human resources requirements, setting sales goals and gaining a better understanding of all things finance!
Click here for more information and to register
Other News and Events
First Nations Waste Management Initiative
This initiative provides support to First Nations to develop sustainable waste management systems through modern infrastructure, operations, training and partnerships.
Funding is available for a range of waste management activities, such as:
- waste management agreements with municipalities and service providers (municipal-type agreements)
- construction of transfer stations
- construction of engineered landfills in remote and isolated communities
- waste reduction and diversion initiatives such as recycling, composting and hazardous waste management programs
- waste operator training
- waste awareness and education programming
- landfill management and closing of refuse sites
- development of waste management plans and feasibility studies
There is no application deadline. Applications are reviewed on an ongoing basis.
Click here for more information.
National Invasive Species Municipal Expenditures Survey
The Invasive Species Centre, in collaboration with Environment and Climate Change Canada is hosting a National Invasive Species Municipal Expenditures Survey. They’re calling on municipalities to report their invasive species current and expected expenditures, identify priority species, and contribute to our collective understanding of the cost of invasive species to Canada. Your contribution to this survey allows us to gain a better understanding of the impact, costs and priorities of invasive species to Canadian municipalities. Survey closes Sept 30.
Click here for the survey in English. Click here for the survey in French.
Canada Green Corps Science and Technology Internship Programme
The United Nations Association in Canada (UNA-Canada) has launched an innovative youth employment programme, Science and Technology Internship Programme (STIP) – Canada Green Corps. In this new chapter of the programme, Canada Green Corps will provide meaningful employment opportunities for 105 talented un- and underemployed young Canadians, while bringing fresh skills to Canadian businesses and institutions in the natural resource science and technology sectors.
- Up to 80% wage subsidies for all types of positions in Natural Resources including Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) [$23,250 maximum for JRY and $32,000 YFE]
- No minimum educational requirements in order to break down barriers.
- Funding is available for training [$2000 for JRY and $5000 for YFE]
- Funding is also available for supports for youth with disabilities
- All placements should be new hires (some exceptions may apply).

Click here for more information and to apply.
Guidance Manual on Managing Air Emissions from SSBCs
Presented by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment
Recent advancements in biomass combustion technology and wood fuel quality standards make it possible to minimize both global greenhouse gas and local air pollutant emissions. This guidance will assist jurisdictions in effectively managing air emissions from SSBCs.
Please click here for details.
Remediation Technologies Symposium 2021
October 13 – 15
8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Fairmont Banff Springs
Registration: $750+
Manitoba is sending a large contingent to the RemTech conference this year and MEIA is pleased to be a part of those who will be in attendance.
The Remediation Technologies Symposium 2021 (RemTech™ 2021) is the premier remediation technology transfer event for environmental professionals, encompassing the latest innovations in soil and groundwater remediation. Considerable work is conducted in the field of contamination remediation and industrial pollutant treatments. RemTech™ 2021 provides a forum for industry experts to present these leading edge technologies.
Click here to register
World Circular Economy Forum 2021
Sept 13-15, 2021
WCEF2021 will focus on the system level changes, or “game changers,” needed to accelerate the transition to a circular economy.
- Game Changer Sessions will explore crosscutting themes to answer a common question: “What transformational steps can we take in the next five years to catalyze the systemic changes required to scale up a global circular economy that is prosperous, inclusive and equitable?”
- Demonstration Sessions will bring the themes of the Game Changer Sessions to life through concrete, inspiring examples of the circular economy “in action”.
- Accelerator Sessions will be hosted by partner organizations on September 15. These outcome-oriented events will bridge WCEF2021 with the daily work needed for a circular transition.
The Forum will also feature a virtual Expo Area to spotlight selected circular economy solutions and approaches, as well as networking opportunities with circular economy enthusiasts from around the world!
Click here to register