Low Emission Fuels and Products Technology Competition


Clean Resource Innovation Network (CRIN)’s $25 million Low Emission Fuels and Products technology competition will source technologies that reduce the carbon intensity of the products and processes from Canada’s oil and gas industry including transportation fuels and other hydrocarbon-derived products.

The goal is to identify technology solutions that contribute to reducing emissions by 100 megatonnes of CO2e by 2033.

  • Up to $10 million is available per successful applicant
  • Competition details and application processes are now available
  • Information webinar: April 21, 9:00 a.m. PT – Register here


Projects will be assessed on ability to demonstrate a clear pathway to commercialization and to provide significant environmental benefits that contribute to CRIN’s target of 100 megatonnes of CO2e reduction by 2033.

This competition is open to breakthrough technology solutions aligned with one or more of the following technology focus areas:

Innovative Products from Hydrocarbons 

Technologies included in this focus area produce carbon based non-combustion products, such as activated carbon, carbon fibre, and asphalt binders from petroleum and natural gas. Other examples of technologies included, are new recovery techniques for elements like lithium, vanadium, titanium, or nickel recovered from co-produced hydrocarbons.

Carbon Capture and Utilization

Technologies included in this focus area reduce greenhouse gas emissions by capturing, utilizing and/or converting carbon dioxide.

Hydrogen and Geothermal

Technologies included in this focus area develop clean energy opportunities from hydrocarbon-derived hydrogen and recovery of geothermal energy to optimize the utility of the oil and gas industry.

Low-Carbon Intensity Alternatives and New Fuels 

Technologies included in this focus area develop products and processes that reduce fuels’ carbon intensity. Examples include innovative fuels and production of fuels from biogenic feedstocks potentially including waste products, bitumen partial upgrading, or other novel processes.

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