Limited Outdoor Gatherings to be Permitted on Private, Public Spaces as New Public Health Orders Implemented


A new set of public health orders start on Saturday, June 12 at 12:01 a.m. and include provisions for outdoor gatherings with up to five people in public spaces and on private property. Other restrictions remain in place. Click here for the list of restrictions.

Kindergarten to Grade 12 schools currently learning remotely in the cities of Winnipeg, Brandon and in the Red River Valley and Garden Valley school divisions will continue until the end of the school year, with some small group meetings allowed.  Schools in Morden and Dauphin will continue remote learning until June 21.

Although the public health orders allow for outdoor gatherings, people are reminded to minimize the number of people they interact with as much as possible during this time. Physical distancing and masks are recommended in outdoor settings for non-household members. While the risk of transmitting COVID-19 in outdoor settings is lower than indoors, transmission can still occur when there is close contact.

The new orders will remain in effect until Saturday, June 26, at 12:01 a.m. For a full listing of the current health orders, all of which will remain in effect, visit:

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