Funding Opportunities Hub

Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada

AgriScience Program

Funds pre-commercial research and development projects that benefits the agriculture and agri-food sector and Canadians. Eligible projects focus on research that addresses climate change and environmental sustainability to help the sector contribute to the Government of Canada’s 2030 and 2050 emissions targets.

Agricultural Clean Technology Program: Research and Innovation Stream

Funds pre-market innovation, including research, development, demonstration, and commercialization activities. The funding covers activities from the initial applied research and development of clean technologies to the commercialization and scaling up of clean technologies.

Canadian Agricultural Strategic Priorities Program

Provides support for projects that address national or sector-wide priorities that help industry address emerging issues and capitalize on opportunities. Projects must align with one of 4 priority areas, with environmental sustainability as one of the key priorities.

Bio Talent

Career Start Program

Career Starter provides bio-economy employers with 50% of a youth’s salary to a maximum of $15,000 in wage subsidies for a three to six-month job placement. 

Deadline: Open, no deadline announced.

Bioscience Association Manitoba

Funding Day

Funding day facilitates meetings between companies and start up’s from across the province with program managers, consultants, investors and service providers.

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)

Canada Greener Affordable Housing – Pre-Retrofit Funding Program

Supplies contributions for pre-retrofit activities needed to plan, prepare and apply for retrofit funding.

CEWIL Canada

CEWIL Innovation Hub

Enables and promotes curricular work-integrated learning (WIL) focusing primarily on four types of WIL: applied research/industry projects, entrepreneurial WIL, field placements, and service-learning WIL.

ECO Canada

In partnership with Canada Apprenticeship Service

Apprenticeship Service Program

Provides first-year apprentices in select Red Seal trades a financial incentive to offer employers upon hiring them for their first-year apprenticeship.

In partnership with Canada Foreign Credential Recognition Program

Environmental Foreign Talent Development Program

Strives to remove the barriers faced by highly-skilled newcomers when attempting to enter the Canadian Environmental workforce.

In partnership with Canada Sectoral Workforce Solutions Program

Environmental Jobs Growth Program

Helps develop and diversify Canada’s environmental workforce across all industries.

In partnership with Employment and Social Development Canada

Student Work Placement Program

Helps students and employers find the right match and the support they need through wage assistance.

Environmental Employability Pathways Program

An Employment readiness program which aims to help all youth (age 15 to 30) to navigate through the labour market and to successfully transition into sustained employment.

In partnership with Environment and Climate Change Canada

Science Horizons Youth Internship

Provides training and funding for young professionals to help them transition into the workforce and gain experience in the environmental sector.

In partnership with Future Skills Centre, Canada Future Skills Program

Nature-Based Climate Solutions

Training and funding for workers leaving the natural resource sector and helps them move into nature-based climate solutions employment such as coastal restoration, forestry, and mining roles that relate to climate adaptation, watershed restoration, drought resiliency, and more.

In partnership with Innovation Science and Economic Development Canada

Digital Skills for Youth Program

Provides training and funding for young professionals with post-secondary education to help them transition into the workforce and gain experience in the environmental Digital Skills sector.

In partnership with Natural Resources Canada

Youth in Natural Resources Program

Helps train and fund youth (aged 15 to 30) looking to transition into or gain experience within the natural resources field.

Efficiency Manitoba

Strategic Energy Manager Program

Supports the hiring of an onsite energy manager to provide focus, expertise, and a strategic approach to energy reduction within your organization.

Steam Trap Program

Offers financial incentives for the audit and replacement of failed steam traps of $15 per steam trap tested to a maximum of $10,000 per audit.

Solar Rebate Program

We offer a rebate of $0.50 per direct current (DC) watt installed on buildings connected to Manitoba Hydro’s grid, up to a maximum of $25,000 per building.

New Buildings Program 2.2

Design and construct a new, energy efficient commercial or institutional building and get up to $2.00/sq.ft. plus another $10,000 toward energy modelling.

In-Suite Energy Efficiency Program

Provides funds for upgrades to multi-family buildings for property managers. 

Commercial Deep Energy Retrofit Program

Offers incentives to help undertake major energy efficiency renovations to your commercial building.

Commercial Energy Audit Program

Offer financial incentives and technical support for building owners that complete ASHRAE (American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers) Level 2 or 3 audits for eligible commercial buildings.

Innovation Fund

Provide funding for pilot projects and partnerships to reduce common adoption barriers to emerging energy-efficient technologies and strategies that can save electricity or natural gas.

Small Business Program

Provides free efficiency upgrades or cost sharing efficiency upgrades for businesses. 

Indigenous Small Business Program

Provides free efficiency upgrades for First Nation businesses.

Business Lighting Program

Provides funds for upgrades to energy-efficient lighting.

Building Envelope Program

Provides funds for upgrades to energy-efficient roofing, wall insulation, windows, doors and curtain wall systems

Heat Pump Program

Provides rebate for upgrading to an energy efficient heat pump system.

Enhanced Building Operations Program

Provides technical support, financial incentives and guidance to find, apply and maintain energy saving measures in your buildings.

Variable Flow Pump Fan System

Rebate available for commercial or agricultural HVAC businesses to install a variable flow pump fan system.

Commercial Refrigeration Program

Provides funds for upgrades to energy-efficient refrigeration systems in commercial buildings.

Custom Energy Solutions Program

Offers financial incentives for projects that save energy and focus on end-use systems.

Environment and Climate Change Canada

EcoAction Community Funding Program

Provides financial support to community groups for action-based projects that have measurable, positive impacts on the environment. Projects must address EcoAction’s Fresh Water Priority Result as listed in the Call for proposals.

Federation of Canadian Municipalities, Government of Canada

Green Municipal Fund: Sustainable Affordable Housing

Supports municipal, non-profit and cooperative housing providers to improve the energy efficiency and affordability of existing and new affordable housing units.

Government of Canada

Canada Summer Jobs

Provides wage subsidies to employers from not-for-profit organizations, the public sector, and private sector organizations with 50 or fewer full-time employees, to create quality summer work experiences for young people aged 15 to 30 years.

Indigenous Pathways

NAIITS Program

Offers graduate and post graduate degrees and awards with a focus on the development and articulation of Indigenous perspectives in theology and practice. 

Indigenous Services Canada

First Nations Waste Management Initiative

Provides support to First Nations to develop sustainable waste management systems through modern infrastructure, operations, training and partnerships.

Manitoba Chambers of Commerce

Manitoba Mineral Development Fund

Provides funding for northern economic development and mining projects that create Indigenous partnerships, increase local employment, and stimulate investment in Northern Manitoba.

Manitoba Government

Conservation and Climate Fund 

Provides support to projects occurring in Manitoba that incorporate actions to combat and adapt to climate change and protect the environment in alignment with the priorities and implementation of the Climate and Green Plan. The maximum grant per applicant is $150,000 and an application intake is anticipated for spring 2022.  For full and current information on the Fund, including the annual intake see details as posted at Manitoba Grants Online.

Green Energy Equipment Tax Credit

A refundable provincial tax credit for eligible new geothermal heat pump system, solar thermal energy system installations and biomass fuel energy equipment.

Manitoba Works Capital Incentive
Encourages significant new business investment or existing business expansion by creating a competitive tax environment to help diversify Manitoba’s economy and stimulate job creation.
Innovation Growth Program

Supports SMEs in the development and growth stages of the business life-cycle to reduce the risks associated with the commercialization of innovative products and processes, accelerate growth and strengthen their financial position so they can secure future funding to build their Manitoba-based business.

Community Enterprise Development Tax Credit

Provides a refundable Manitoba tax credit of up to 45% to individuals and corporations who acquire equity capital in community-based enterprises in Manitoba.

Manitoba Manufacturing Investment Tax Credit (Manitoba Finance)

Provides an eight per cent tax credit that acquire qualified plant, machinery and equipment for first-time use in manufacturing or processing in Manitoba.   

Employee Share Purchase Tax Credit

Offers employees the opportunity to buy into and own a portion of a business under an Employee Share Ownership Plan.

Small Business Venture Capital Tax Credit Program

Provides a non-refundable Manitoba tax credit of up to 45% to individuals and corporations who acquire equity capital in eligible Manitoba enterprises.

Sector Council Program

Supports organizations in key Manitoba sectors to develop and deliver workforce training for new and existing employees to support business growth and prosperity.

Industry Expansion Program

Aimed at supporting companies that are locating new operations in Manitoba or expanding existing Manitoba operations.

Paid Work Experience Tax Credits (formerly Co-op Education and Apprenticeship Tax Credits)

Provides qualified employers with a percentage of the wages and salaries paid to certain types of trainee employees and recent graduates working in Manitoba.

Workforce Development Program 

Assists companies to assess human resource (HR) management needs and develop and implement HR and workforce training and development plans.

First Jobs Fund

Designed to support innovative employment and training experiences to prepare at-risk youth aged 15-29 for their first job, which increases likelihood of future sustainable employment.

Urban/Hometown Green Team Program

Create summer employment opportunities for youth aged 15 to 29 years. Approved Applicants provide a variety of community development projects that improve neighborhoods, promote community involvement and help develop young leaders.

Canada-Manitoba Job Grant

Helps cover training costs of new and existing employees to meet business needs, and help Manitobans gain the skills they need to fill available jobs. Employers can apply for up to $10,000 per new or existing employee. Manitoba’s contribution will not exceed $100,000 per Job Grant.

Manitoba Government, Low Carbon Economy Fund

Merit Based Program – Low Carbon Economy Fund

Supports building and process improvements that reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and use of fossil fuels. 

Manitoba Government, Manitoba Habitat Heritage Corporation

Fish and Wildlife Enhancement Fund

Intended for activities that enhance sustainable use and management of legally harvestable fish and wildlife populations within Manitoba.


Mitacs Accelerate

Research collaboration between academic institution and a partner organization. Projects involve a student/postdoc intern and a faculty supervisor.

Natural Products Canada

Fast-track to Financing Program

Supports projects that help to create strong business or commercialization plans to attract public financing or private investment to support the development of natural product or technologies.

Access to Talent Program

Helps Canadian SMEs or start-up companies hire an experienced individual to carry out a project to achieve key milestones that support the development of a natural product or technology

Proof of Concept Program

Supports projects that help to establish the commercial feasibility of innovative natural products or technologies to advance development, commercialization, or de-risk subsequent investment.

North Forge

Founders Program

Provides resources, and courses to navigate the industry.

Global Entrepreneurship Initiative

Provides resources, and courses to navigate the industry.

ElevateIP Program

This is a federal program that North Forge is a part of. It’s a very important program and a way for startups to create and implement an IP strategy while getting the majority of their lawyer costs covered.

Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN)

Investments in Forest Industry Transformation (IFIT)

Facilitates the adoption of transformative technologies and products in the Canadian forest sector by bridging the gap between development and commercialization.

Green Construction through Wood program

Encourages the use of innovative wood-based building technologies in construction projects.

Climate Change Adaptation Program

The Program is soliciting proposals for cost-shared projects that will make important contributions to advancing adaptation progress in Canada.

Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program – Delivery Organizations

Provides funding towards the deployment of electric vehicle (EV) chargers and hydrogen refueling stations across Canada.

Deadline: Dec 31, 2024

Zero Emission Vehicle Infrastructure Program – Indigenous Organizations

Provides funding towards the deployment of electric vehicle (EV) chargers and hydrogen refueling stations across Canada.

Deadline: March 31, 2026

Education and Awareness Project Funding – Clean Transportation and Clean Fuels

Supports projects that aim to increase awareness, knowledge and public confidence in zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) and public charging and refueling infrastructure.

Zero Emission Vehicle Awareness Initiative

Supports projects that aim to increase awareness, knowledge and public confidence in zero-emission vehicles (ZEV) and public charging and refueling infrastructure.

Greener Neighborhoods Pilot Program

Supports up to six Energiesprong-inspired aggregated deep energy retrofit projects in communities across the country.

Federal Internal Energy R&D

The various programs that constitute the Federal Internal Energy R&D suite promote and support energy RD&D by funding related RD&D activities in federal departments and agencies.

Critical Minerals Research, Development and Demonstration Program

Offers contribution funding to advance technological solutions to improve the production of critical minerals at several stages, such as processing, downstream product manufacturing, and recycling.

Clean Fuels Fund

Helps to de-risk the capital investment required to build new or expand existing clean fuel production facilities (including facility conversions).

Funding for Indigenous-led clean production capacity projects

Helps to de-risk the capital investment required to build new or expand existing clean fuel production facilities (including facility conversions).

NRCAN, Canada Green Corps

Science and Technology Internship Program

Helps provide quality green employment opportunities for youth in the natural resource sector by offering up to 75% wage subsidies to employers across Canada.

NRCAN, Canadian Wood Fibre Centre

Forest Innovation Program

Provides funding for projects that focus on adaptive siliviculture, forest value chain optimization, traceability and fibre characterization, forest monitoring tools and techniques.

NRCAN, Greener Homes Initiative

Canada Greener Homes Grant

Provides grants and a loan for EnerGuide evaluations and for retrofits

Canada Greener Homes Loan

Offers interest-free financing in addition to the Canada Greener Homes Grant to help you complete some of the more major retrofits recommended by your energy advisor.

Oil to Heat Pump Affordability Program

Helps Canadian homeowners who are currently heating their homes with oil to transition to electric cold climate air source heat pumps.

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