Free BRACE/MCRT Courses Offered This Winter


All BRACE courses will be offered free of charge. Registration is now open for the first course, Climate Change 101, being offered on November 4th.

The Building Regional Adaptation Capacity and Expertise (BRACE) / Manitoba Climate Resilience Training (MCRT) will offer 18 introductory climate change courses for all sectors coming this winter. These courses will give engineers, planners, geoscientists, Northern businesses, and Indigenous organizations a shared foundation of the most up-to-date climate science information. In the new year, the BRACE/MCRT infrastructure sector will offer three courses of particular interest to engineers, geoscientists, and infrastructure decision-makers: 

  • Infrastructure Climate Risk Assessment and How to Conduct an Assessment Featuring PIEVC
  • An Introduction to Climate Change through Codes, Standards, and Regulations
  • Nature-based Infrastructure Solutions to Enhance Resilience

In addition to the above courses, anyone is welcome to take any of the courses led by the other BRACE/MCRT sectors, including:

  • Core Principles in Climate Change Risk Assessment
  • Indigenous-led Climate Change Solutions
  • Communicating Climate Change
  • Business Continuity Planning and Climate Change
  • An introduction to Cost-benefit Analysis

Click here for course details and registration