MEIA Student Chapter Sustainability Tour

  •  January 17, 2025
     5:45 pm - 8:30 pm

Register here!

Join us for a guided tour of RRC Polytech’s Manitou A Bi Bii Daziigae: Innovation Through Collaboration Building for a sustainability tour of their facilities, showcasing its sustainable building practices and designs; focusing on performance energy modeling, building envelope and systems design, and renewable energy installations.
Following the tour, we will be hearing from Sustainable Buildings Manitoba, BizforClimate, and RRC Polytech for some short presentations discussing their sustainability initiatives and/or building solutions.

When: January 17, 2024 at 5:45pm CT
Where: Red River College Polytechnic Manitou A Bi Bii Daziigae – Exchange District Campus (319 Elgin Ave. Winnipeg MB. R3A OK4)
Who: Anyone!
Cost: $5 for non-student chapter members, free for members
Thank you Sustainable Buildings Manitoba for sponsoring this event