Here’s your chance to better understand the key role geothermal investigations should play when designing and planning any geothermal project.
On Feburary 27th at noon, join to embark on a journey into the heart of geothermal excellence! RSVP now to be part of the geothermal revolution!
Jeffrey J. Bell, B.Sc.(G.E.), P.Eng.
Hydrogeological Engineer – Friesen Drillers Limited – Steinbach, Manitoba
Jeff has a geological engineering degree from the University of Manitoba, and has been working in hydrogeology for 25 years. The first few years of his working career was undertaken in Southeast Asia and West Africa. His primary work in Manitoba has been in the development of water supplies for cities and towns. With his colleagues, they have prepared about 40 papers that are mainly in conference journals on Manitoba hydrogeology.
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