The Adaptation Policy Committee of the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment is hosting a webinar, as part of its series to explore how natural infrastructure and other natural climate solutions can help improve resilience to climate change.
Nature-Based Solutions for Urban Parks and Planning
This webinar will share three different perspectives on nature-based solutions to improve climate resilience, focusing on our urban playgrounds and parks. The Standards Council of Canada (SCC) will discuss their Infrastructure Program, which will be followed by a presentation by the National Program for Playground Safety, who will share their insight and research on climate resilience as it relates to children’s outdoor environments. This includes work they have undertaken with the SCC on playground standards. Following these presentations, the City of Windsor, Ontario, will talk about their on-the-ground work to use nature-based solutions to integrate thermal comfort into the design and development of all new parks and playgrounds in Windsor, and their holistic and integrated approach for land use planning, urban design and municipal infrastructure.
Who should attend?
Municipal planners, engineers and other related practitioners and professionals interested in learning about different types of natural infrastructure and how they can be beneficial.
This webinar will be presented in English only. For additional information and to register, visit Eventbrite. Registration deadline is Monday, March 9, 2020.