2021 MEIA Renewables Survey


Dear Company, Organization, Individual or Government entity active in Manitoba’s Renewables and Energy Efficiency industries,

As the Sector Council for Natural Resources, Energy & Environment, Manitoba Environmental Industries Association (MEIA) is inviting you to participate in a survey of Manitoba’s renewables and energy efficiency sectors so as to gain insight to the unique challenges and opportunities that are present within the industry. The data gathered from this survey will be highly valuable to you as industry stakeholders, as it will help to inform the development of future policy and programming.

Additionally, participants of the survey will be entered to win a $500 cash prize to be donated to the registered charity of their choice.

All survey responses will be confidential within MEIA and will be reported in aggregate format.

Click here to complete the survey!

The survey can be found at www.meia.mb.ca/survey, and will be open until March 1, 2021. If you have any questions, or would rather respond to the survey using a physical, paper-based format or telephone interview, please contact Kara Gross at [email protected], or by calling (204) 783-7090 ext. 104.